Embodied Wellness offers groups, classes, & workshops based on the needs & interests of our community.

Announcing Upcoming Offerings in 2024:

Email me for registration information!

authentic movement Daylong:

a Deep dive for embodied tending

For beginners and experienced movers.

With reverence and respect to the Discipline of Authentic Movement, we will spend a full day in sacred tending of the bodies’ Authentic Movement - through ceremonious check-ins, movement time, transitions through art, and embodied sharing circles. For those with Authentic Movement experience, and new to the practice, this day of practice will offer a supportive and safe community to deepen in the form and know the power of Embodied Awareness. 

Saturday June 29th 10am-5pm

Saturday August 10th 10am-5pm

*These day-longs are independent offerings. You may sign up for only one.

There is a $50 discount if you sign up for both.

Payment Option 1: Pay It Forward: $375

Payment Option 2: Cost: $325

Payment Option 3: Reduced Cost: $275

Please select the option on the scale that best fits with your financial situation. I trust you to choose the amount that is in integrity for you. If you are able, please consider the Pay it Forward option. It covers the cost of the offering while also supporting someone else in the community that may need extra financial help to be able to participate. Payment plans are available upon request.


Authentic Movement Advanced Monthly Summer Series

For experienced movers

Join us for a monthly practice of Authentic Movement. We will deepen in the form, exploring the relationship between Witness, Mover, Inner Witness and Silent Witness. This will be a supportive series for practitioners holding space for others, preparing the ground for witnessing and guiding.

 5 Wednesdays, 10am-12:30pm

6/26, 7/17, 8/21, 9/18 & 10/9 

Payment Option 1 – Pay it Forward: $600

Payment Option 2 – Pay in Full: $500

Payment Option 3 – Pay Less: $350-$400

Please select the option on the scale that best fits with your financial situation. I trust you to choose the amount that is in integrity for you. If you are able, please consider the Pay it Forward option. It covers the cost of the offering while also supporting someone else in the community that may need extra financial help to be able to participate. Payment plans are available upon request.


Authentic Movement Practice Group

For beginners and experienced movers

With reverence and respect to the Discipline of Authentic Movement, join us in the learning and practicing of Authentic Movement and Embodied Awareness. Co-creating a supportive and safe community, we will explore self as mover and grow our inner witness, integrating ceremonious check-ins, movement time, transitions through art, and embodied sharing circles. For those with Authentic Movement experience, and new to the practice, this series will offer an opportunity to deepen in the form and know the power of embodiment through sacred exploration and study.


Series 1: 6 Tuesdays, 3:30pm-5:30pm

9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15

Payment Option 1 – Pay it Forward: $700

Payment Option 2 – Pay in Full: $600

Payment Option 3 – Pay Less: $450-$500


Series 2: 6 Thursdays, 9am-11am

10-/17, 10/24, 10/31, 11/7, 11/14, 11/21

Payment Option 1 – Pay it Forward: $700

Payment Option 2 – Pay in Full: $600

Payment Option 3 – Pay Less: $450-$500

Please select the option on the scale that best fits with your financial situation. I trust you to choose the amount that is in integrity for you. If you are able, please consider the Pay it Forward option. It covers the cost of the offering while also supporting someone else in the community that may need extra financial help to be able to participate. Payment plans are available upon request.

Authentic Movement Advanced Practitioner Witness Training

For experienced movers  

Designed for those who work with others, hold space and offer movement practice, this 5-week series will begin to explore and train more deeply how to sit as witness. We will explore movement as silent witness and speaking witness, studying the art of relationship between self and other.


5 Wednesdays, 10am-12:30pm

10/23, 11/6, 11/20, 12/4, 12/18 

Payment Option 1 – Pay it Forward: $600

Payment Option 2 – Pay in Full: $500

Payment Option 3 – Pay Less: $350-$400

Please select the option on the scale that best fits with your financial situation. I trust you to choose the amount that is in integrity for you. If you are able, please consider the Pay it Forward option. It covers the cost of the offering while also supporting someone else in the community that may need extra financial help to be able to participate. Payment plans are available upon request.

Call 303-827-6450 or

email: rachaelskolnik@gmail.com 

A HOME for Authentic Movement:  The Sacred Returning

Authentic Movement is an awakening practice of exploring the unconscious, tending the soul and psyche, with embodiment at the center. This body-referenced awareness practice involves a witness and mover(s). With eyes closed, the mover listens to and follows inner impulse, moving in the presence of a trained, accepting, and loving witness. Movement may arise from sensation, imagery, memory, thought, and/or direct experience. This practice supports individuals to align with and move their essential truth in community, strengthening their ability to track embodied experience, and practicing self-referencing speech to bring consciousness to the body’s wisdom.

Authentic Movment provides:

• A simple yet profound practice for deep listening, connection, and alchemization

• A trustworthy map for embodied integration and transformation

• An opportunity to slow down, sequence, and be with direct and inner experience

• A deepened relationship with our habitual patterns and authentic movements

• An invitation to explore our relationship to being seen, held, and supported

• A safer space to move and express freely without judgment or limitation

• A loving community with whom to intimately relate to creative life force energy

Since she was young, Rachael would find a quiet space, close her eyes, move her body, and connect with something beyond. She danced through many forms of movement, exploring years of formal dance training, as well as the art of moving without form. She discovered the practice of Authentic Movement in 2004, while studying Somatic Counseling Psychology at Naropa University, and has been in reverence and study of the work ever since. 

Rachael works with humans of many walks, primarily those that identify as women, facilitating the process of reclaiming truth, trusting self, reconnecting with our inherent worth, and finding healthy relationships with the wisdom of our bodies and souls.

Rachael also deeply enjoys integrating sacred ritual, the natural world, live music, conscious travel, and Motherhood into her exploration of returning to Wholeness. Currently, she is fascinated, and on her knees, by the heart exploding experience of Mothering and all the ways this informs her work, her commitment to service, and her devotion to waking up.